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Bluebell Bliss - Best Bluebell walks in Essex Country Parks

In the months of April and May Bluebells bloom and huge swathes of woodland come alive with carpets of beautiful blue flowers. We’ve pulled together the best spots to enjoy these vibrant splashes of colour in the Essex Country Parks, from Brentwood and Belhus to Danbury this spring.

Posted on 3rd April 2024

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Belhus lake 2 May21


Visit our Wetlands

Essex Country Parks contain many stunning and diverse landscapes, flora and fauna which is why we are shining a spotlight on our favourite waterside places for this year’s World Wetlands Day.

Posted on 1st February 2024

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Dunnock Branch Green Shoots SW1

Wildlife Watch

How to encourage birds to your garden

It’s the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)’s Big Garden Birdwatch soon, so get ready and make some simple changes to encourage more visits from our flying feathered friends.

Posted on 25th January 2024

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